Putting Your House in Order

Are there things you’d like to get in order that would make your intentions clear
for your loved ones if you become incapacitated or after you’re gone? Things like:
• How to organize your financial affairs and gather important documents.
• How to put together a will or trust that reflects your wishes.
• How to have open conversations with loved ones about sensitive but important decisions.
• The people, memories, and dates that have been significant in your life.
• What you’d like your service of remembrance to include.
• And so much more!
While these are all important, they can also be emotional and difficult to discuss or discern. But when in order, they are an amazing gift from you to your loved ones.

Pastor Laura Murphy leads this workshop for people of all ages and stages of life are welcome to attend either as individuals or as couples. Having a will or other previous plans discerned is not necessary. This workshop is not soliciting any legal or financial services. For parents of dependent children, there is also information about guardianship.

Please RSVP by emailing office@kearneyfumc.org


Feb 04 2024


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm