Pastor Chats – 9:30 Worship

Pastor Chats
Earlier in June during one sermon I talked briefly about our need to add a 4th worship service this August. If you’ve been in the lobby between 8:15am and 9:30am or 10:30am and 10:45am you have probably noticed it is a bit crowded. This is a good thing! If order to make room for new folks to be a part of this community of unlikely friends following Jesus together we need to add more opportunities for worship. I want to offer opportunities to discuss potential changes to our Sunday morning schedule. I want to structure them in a way that provides a chance for each of our current services to provide feedback about worship as well as meet our new Associate Pastor Keyarae.

8:15 service Pastor chat: July 16, 7am in the fellowship center. That’s right, I’m gonna get to church bright and early! Bonus points if you bring caffeine.

10:45 service Pastor chat: July 23, 12pm in the fellowship center.

9:30 service Pastor chat: July 23, 6pm in the fellowship center.

Anyone is free to attend any of these of course. I just wanted to make some time and space for dialogue around this exciting necessity in our church and an avenue to meet our new Associate Pastor.



Jul 23 2023


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm